Our final project: Publishing a travel guide at issuu with useful expressions for Irene's visit to Frinton-on-Sea
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http://www.activelanguage.co.uk/ |
- Communication in foreign languages
- Communication in the mother tongue
- Digital competence
- Learning to learn
- Social and civic competences
- Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
- Cultural awareness and expression
FIRST STEP: Useful language for the visit. Practice with these online activities
1) Travel language
Exercise 1: Scrambled words
Exercise 2: Transportation
Exercise 3: Directions and places
Exercise 4: Transportation vocabulary1 - memory game - Exercise 5 Transportation vocabulary2 - memory game
- Exercise 6: Travel English Vocabulary
Video 1 : Survival English
Video 2: Packing 1
Video 3: Packing 2
Video 4: Travel English: Where are you from?
1 Vocabulary exercises on food
2 Video watching
3) School language
Worksheets for the video here
4) Parts of a town
Exercises at anglomancy: First study, then practise and finally test yourself on the parts of a town
5) The house
Print the exercises and watch the video here
6) Permission, requests, information
1 Polite requests Exercise
2 Asking for permission exercise
3 Asking for and giving information exercise
7) London
Print and do the activities
SECOND STEP: Writing your article on your google drive
Guidelines for the edition:
- Create an attractive front page for your guide using an appealing title and image. You can google search or create your own images with Lunapic or Pho.to
- Create 7 sections for the different language aspects
- Edit tables with the useful expressions using pictures and images. Write the English and the Spanish and insert the images. Click for an example
THIRD STEP: Create an issuu account and upload your PDF guide ;
http://issuu.com/ |
Finally we'll share it in our blog
and for Irene... Bon voyage!!! Have a nice journey!!
Bonita y eficaz manera de preparar un viaje de inmersión lingüística en inglés. Enhorabuena Irene, lo pasarás muy bien en UK.